Certification Program
Requirements for Certification are: LEVEL I and LEVEL II Training
The KMP Committee requires those seeking KMP Certification to receive their LEVEL I training (90 hours of foundational study) training from a Certified KMP analyst*.
Certified instructors have met all of the standards and can demonstrate all of the KMP competencies for providing accurate KMP training. While integrating KMP Certification skills may enrich one’s professional specialty, it does not authorize the Certified KMP analyst to practice beyond their professional credentialing.
*See Resources tab for a list of Certified KMP Analysts
LEVEL I Training
LEVEL I Training includes: KMP observation, notation, scoring, diagramming, and interpretation skills culminating in one completed profile (8 Diagrams).
Reliability is not required.
Total instruction hours = 90
The following is a sample course syllabus is based on 3 teaching modules totaling 90 hours of training:
I. Projected Learning Goals and Objectives:
Students will become familiar with the basic principles of movement observation, assessment and analysis for use in diagnosis, treatment planning and intervention applicable with child and adult populations. Students will learn to experience, recognize, notate, diagram and interpret movement patterns, representing developmental and psychological perspectives. Students will become aware of developmental and cultural influences on movement as well as their own movement preferences. They will learn to use the Kestenberg Movement Profile (KMP) nonverbal assessment tool and will learn the applications of this tool in clinical diagnosis and treatment.
II. Overview of Course Content and Methods:
Students will learn through lecture, video observations, group and dyadic movement and art experiences, movement notation, observation and interpretation assignments, readings and discussion.
III. Documentation of Learning
Students will be expected to complete movement assessments based on in-class videotape observations with accompanying interpretation. By the end of the entire 90-hour course, they will have learned the entire KMP system. They will contribute to class discussion and participate in all experiential exercises.
Required Texts
Kestenberg Amighi, J., Loman, S., & Sossin, K.M. (2018). The Meaning of Movement: Embodied Developmental, Clinical, and Cultural Perspectives of the Kestenberg Movement Profile. NY, NY: Routledge.
Kestenberg, Judith S. et al. Revised by Loman, S. (1999). The KMP training manual. (Available from Antioch University New England Dept. of Applied Psychology)
I. Projected Learning Goals and Objectives:
Students will become familiar with the basic principles of movement observation, assessment and analysis for use in diagnosis, treatment planning and intervention applicable with child and adult populations. Students will learn to experience, recognize, notate, diagram and interpret movement patterns, representing developmental and psychological perspectives. Students will become aware of developmental and cultural influences on movement as well as their own movement preferences. They will learn to use the Kestenberg Movement Profile (KMP) nonverbal assessment tool and will learn the applications of this tool in clinical diagnosis and treatment.
II. Overview of Course Content and Methods:
Students will learn through lecture, video observations, group and dyadic movement and art experiences, movement notation, observation and interpretation assignments, readings and discussion.
III. Documentation of Learning
Students will be expected to complete movement assessments based on in-class videotape observations with accompanying interpretation. By the end of the entire 90-hour course, they will have learned the entire KMP system. They will contribute to class discussion and participate in all experiential exercises.
Required Texts
Kestenberg Amighi, J., Loman, S., & Sossin, K.M. (2018). The Meaning of Movement: Embodied Developmental, Clinical, and Cultural Perspectives of the Kestenberg Movement Profile. NY, NY: Routledge.
Kestenberg, Judith S. et al. Revised by Loman, S. (1999). The KMP training manual. (Available from Antioch University New England Dept. of Applied Psychology)
LEVEL II Training
*LEVEL II training is the completion of a second KMP provided by the KMP committee (see Application Procedure below).
*This completed KMP must be evaluated as reliable through the KMP committee.
*Applicant's teaching and conceptual competencies (as per below) must be demonstrated.
*Applicants for Level II must be approved by the KMP Committee’s Review Process.
After completion of Level I and Level II, the applicant will have achieved and be able to demonstrate the following competencies
A. Demonstration of KMP Construction and Interpretation
* defense mechanisms
* coping skills
* body image
* responses to environmental stimuli
* self-protection
* boundary formation
* social skills
* vertical affinities (developmental lines)
* imbalances between System I and System II (empty shapes or unstructured dynamics)
* identifying the individual’s strengths
* creating a plan with objectives, goals, and interventions, when relevant, based on the
* KMP findings and plan may be clinical, educational, or dance/movement related depending on one’s specialty/license
B. Demonstration of working knowledge of specific KMP concepts
C. Demonstration of KMP Teaching Competencies
Demonstrate through video a presentation of teaching one category of KMP to a group, or at least one individual (for example, teach tension flow rhythms)
3. Create an atmosphere of inclusion and demonstrate cultural competency and consideration for cultural variations
Please note that there are tutorials available for those who would like a KMP refresher or who didn't receive training in any of the above KMP concepts and competencies. Please check the kestenbergmovementprofile.org website under "Courses."
A. Demonstration of KMP Construction and Interpretation
- Demonstrate ability to reliably collect movement observation data for 8 KMP diagrams (Tension Flow Rhythms, Tension Flow Attributes, Pre-Effort, Effort, Bipolar Shape Flow, Unipolar Shape Flow, Shaping in directions, Shaping in planes, and the Body Attitude) through Tension-flow notation, KMP symbols, and written narrative.
- Demonstrate ability to accurately construct 8 diagrams in the KMP including relevant statistical data.
- Demonstrate ability to analyze KMP diagrams and provide a psychological interpretation including information about :
* developmental phases
* psychological needs and drives
* affects and temperament* defense mechanisms
* coping skills
* body image
* responses to environmental stimuli
* self-protection
* boundary formation
* social skills
4. Ability to interpret affinities and clashes between diagrams including :
* horizontal affinities and clashes (matching and mismatching)* vertical affinities (developmental lines)
* imbalances between System I and System II (empty shapes or unstructured dynamics)
* identifying the individual’s strengths
* creating a plan with objectives, goals, and interventions, when relevant, based on the
* KMP findings and plan may be clinical, educational, or dance/movement related depending on one’s specialty/license
B. Demonstration of working knowledge of specific KMP concepts
- Demonstrate postures and gestures in Effort and Shaping in Planes
- Demonstrate rebounds in Tension-Flow Attributes
- Demonstrate Shape-Flow Design factors (including the kinesphere and specific designs in space, e.g. looping)
- Demonstrate phrasing
- Demonstrate understanding of the differences between gestures and postures through movement, notation, diagramming and interpretation.P
C. Demonstration of KMP Teaching Competencies
- Demonstrate the ability to teach the KMP through assisting or apprenticing with a KMP Certified Analyst
- If it is not possible to work directly with a KMP Certified Analyst demonstrate through video all KMP movement patterns in your own body movement
Demonstrate through video a presentation of teaching one category of KMP to a group, or at least one individual (for example, teach tension flow rhythms)
3. Create an atmosphere of inclusion and demonstrate cultural competency and consideration for cultural variations
Please note that there are tutorials available for those who would like a KMP refresher or who didn't receive training in any of the above KMP concepts and competencies. Please check the kestenbergmovementprofile.org website under "Courses."
Application procedure
1. Applications may be submitted at any time. The applicant must submit a letter of intent to engage in the application process, including the application fee of $150 for students and $300 for professionals.
Please send your letter of intent and application fee (payable to CDR/KMP ) to:
Susan Loman
85 Lake Shore Drive
Winchester, NH 03470
2. A member of the KMP committee will send the applicant a copy of a DVD or a video link of an adult.
3. The applicant will complete a KMP based on this DVD, including the eight diagrams of the KMP, Body Attitude, and written interpretation (5-7 pages).
4. Two members of the KMP committee will review the submitted KMP to determine quality of work and reliability.
-If the submission is satisfactory, the applicant will receive a confirmation letter. After the teaching competencies are met, the applicant will be listed on the KMP website as a Certified KMP Analyst.
-If the submission is approved with concerns, the applicant will be asked to resubmit a part of the KMP or make other revisions.
-If the submission is unsatisfactory, the applicant will be encouraged to take additional KMP courses.
**The applicant will have 6 months to complete the resubmission.
5. Applicants will have a time period of 2 years from the date of application to submit their Certification requirements. After 2 years, the applicant will need to reapply and send an additional application fee.
Please send your letter of intent and application fee (payable to CDR/KMP ) to:
Susan Loman
85 Lake Shore Drive
Winchester, NH 03470
2. A member of the KMP committee will send the applicant a copy of a DVD or a video link of an adult.
3. The applicant will complete a KMP based on this DVD, including the eight diagrams of the KMP, Body Attitude, and written interpretation (5-7 pages).
4. Two members of the KMP committee will review the submitted KMP to determine quality of work and reliability.
-If the submission is satisfactory, the applicant will receive a confirmation letter. After the teaching competencies are met, the applicant will be listed on the KMP website as a Certified KMP Analyst.
-If the submission is approved with concerns, the applicant will be asked to resubmit a part of the KMP or make other revisions.
-If the submission is unsatisfactory, the applicant will be encouraged to take additional KMP courses.
**The applicant will have 6 months to complete the resubmission.
5. Applicants will have a time period of 2 years from the date of application to submit their Certification requirements. After 2 years, the applicant will need to reapply and send an additional application fee.
Applicants will be expected to demonstrate understanding of KMP concepts and movement patterns in their interpretation section. For example, the successful applicant will be able to discuss statistical data, such as load factors and ratios; overall KMP-interpretation, such as affinities and clashing; and significance of movement pattern skewing, such as high or low quantities of specific movement patterns.
For a review of KMP profile interpretation, please reference the textbook: Kestenberg Amighi, J., Loman, S., & Sossin, K.M. (2018). The Meaning of Movement: Embodied Developmental, Clinical, and Cultural Perspectives of the Kestenberg Movement Profile. NY, NY: Routledge.
For a review of KMP profile interpretation, please reference the textbook: Kestenberg Amighi, J., Loman, S., & Sossin, K.M. (2018). The Meaning of Movement: Embodied Developmental, Clinical, and Cultural Perspectives of the Kestenberg Movement Profile. NY, NY: Routledge.