To Purchase a KMP Color Wheel Poster, Contact:

For KMP Certification and KMP Training in Munich, Germany: Susan Loman
For KMP and psychoanalysis/dance therapy/supervision New York: Silvia Birklein
For Cross cultural applications of KMP: Janet Kestenberg Amighi
For KMP, research projects in regards to graduate work in psychology: Mark Sossin
For KMP trainings online and in Pennslyvania, contact: Suzanne Hastie
For KMP trainings online and in the Boston, MA area, contact Melanie Johnson French
For KMP and psychoanalysis/dance therapy/supervision New York: Silvia Birklein
For Cross cultural applications of KMP: Janet Kestenberg Amighi
For KMP, research projects in regards to graduate work in psychology: Mark Sossin
For KMP trainings online and in Pennslyvania, contact: Suzanne Hastie
For KMP trainings online and in the Boston, MA area, contact Melanie Johnson French
To purchase a copy of the KMP Strut DVD, contact Mary K. Armstrong, MA, R-DMT at:
For Decoding the Mysteries of Movement: The Life & Works of Judith S. Kestenberg
($25 + postage), contact:
For Decoding the Mysteries of Movement: The Life & Works of Judith S. Kestenberg
($25 + postage), contact: